/* ---------------------------------- */ /* ==Grids */ /* ---------------------------------- */ // WARNING : KNACSS grids are flexbox based and only supported by IE10+ // Tuto : http://www.alsacreations.com/tuto/lire/1659-une-grille-responsive-avec-flexbox-et-LESS.html // Demo : http://codepen.io/raphaelgoetter/pen/zxBMLW // Usage in vanilla CSS: // -
for an equal fourth columns grid container // -
for an uneven columns grid container // Usage with preprocessors : if you're using LESS, you can config grids variables : // n = number of columns (default = 4) / g = gutter value (default = 1em) // example : .grid-container { .grid(12, 10px); } // ... or uneven grids : // left = left ratio column (default = 2) / right = right ratio column (default = 1) / gutter (default = 1em) // example : .grid-container { .uneven-grid(2, 1, 10px); } // LESS mixins for *equal* columns grid container // example : .grid-container { .grid(12, 10px); } .grid(@number:@number, @gutter:@gutter) { display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-left: -@gutter; & > * { /* grid child can be any element */ flex: 0 0 auto; width: (1/@number * 100) + 0%; display: block; /* IE fix */ border-left: @gutter solid transparent; background-clip: padding-box !important; /* no background on border */ } & > .flexitem-double { width: (2/@number * 100) + 0%; } @media (min-width: (@small-screen + 1)) and (max-width: @medium-screen) { & > * { width: 33.3333%; } & > .flexitem-double { width: 66.6666%; } } @media (min-width: (@tiny-screen + 1)) and (max-width: @small-screen) { & > * { width: 50%; } & > .flexitem-double { width: 100%; } } @media (max-width: @tiny-screen) { & > * { width: 100%; } & > .flexitem-double { width: 100%; } } } /* Examples : will be compiled in CSS */ .grid-2 { .grid(2); } .grid-3 { .grid(3); } .grid-4 { .grid(4); } .grid-5 { .grid(5); } .grid-6 { .grid(6); } .grid-7 { .grid(7); } .grid-8 { .grid(8); } .grid-10 { .grid(10); } .grid-12 { .grid(12); } // LESS mixins for *unequal* columns grid container // example : .grid-container { .uneven-grid(2, 1, 10px); } .uneven-grid(@left:@left, @right:@right, @gutter:@gutter) { display: flex; flex-direction: row; flex-wrap: wrap; margin-left: -@gutter; & > * { display: block; /* IE fix */ border-left: @gutter solid transparent; background-clip: padding-box !important; /* no background on border */ } & > *:nth-child(odd) { width: (@left / (@left + @right)) * 100%; } & > *:nth-child(even) { width: (@right / (@left + @right)) * 100%; } @media (max-width: @tiny-screen) { & > *:nth-child(n) { width: 100%; } } } /* Examples : will be compiled in CSS */ .grid-2-1 { .uneven-grid(2,1); } .grid-1-2 { .uneven-grid(1,2); } .grid-3-1 { .uneven-grid(3,1); } .grid-1-3 { .uneven-grid(1,3); } .grid-3-2 { .uneven-grid(3,2); } .grid-2-3 { .uneven-grid(2,3); } .grid-4-1 { .uneven-grid(4,1); } .grid-1-4 { .uneven-grid(1,4); }