// Config file and project variables // font sizes $base-font-size : 1.4rem !default; // ex. 1.4rem would be "14px" equivalent $line-height : 1.5 !default; // equiv line-height 1.5 $h1-size : 3.2rem !default; // equiv "32px" $h2-size : 2.8rem !default; // equiv "28px" $h3-size : 2.4rem !default; // equiv "24px" $h4-size : 2.0rem !default; // equiv "20px" $h5-size : 1.8rem !default; // equiv "18px" $h6-size : 1.6rem !default; // equiv "16px" // font stacks $font-stack-common : sans-serif !default; // common font $font-stack-headings : sans-serif !default; // headings font $font-stack-monospace : consolas, courier, monospace !default; // monospace font // font colors $base-color : #000 !default; // text color on body and content $alpha-color : #000 !default; // text color on primary elements $beta-color : #000 !default; // text color on secondary elements $headings-color : #000 !default; // text color on headings $headings-1-color : #000 !default; // text color on headings level 1 $headings-2-color : #000 !default; // text color on headings level 2 $headings-3-color : #000 !default; // text color on headings level 3 $base-color-link : #333 !default; // base links color $base-color-link-hover : #000 !default; // base hovered/focused links color // backgrounds $base-background : #fff !default; // body background color $alpha-background : #fff !default; // primary elements background color $beta-background : #fff !default; // secondary elements background color // spacings (choose unit you prefer) $tiny-value : .5rem !default; // tiny value for margins / paddings $tiny-plus-value : .7rem !default; // tiny+ value for margins / paddings $small-value : 1rem !default; // small value for margins / paddings $small-plus-value : 1.5rem !default; // small+ value for margins / paddings $medium-value : 2rem !default; // medium value for margins / paddings $medium-plus-value : 3rem !default; // medium+ value for margins / paddings $large-value : 4rem !default; // large value for margins / paddings $large-plus-value : 6rem !default; // large value for margins / paddings $extra-large-value : 8rem !default; // extra large value for margins / paddings $extra-large-plus-value : 12rem !default; // extra large value for margins / paddings $ultra-large-value : 16rem !default; // ultra large value for margins / paddings $ultra-large-plus-value : 20rem !default; // ultra large value for margins / paddings // breakpoints (overrides include-media.scss) (choose unit you prefer) // doc : http://include-media.com/documentation/ $breakpoints: ( tiny-screen : 320px, tiny-plus-screen : 480px, small-screen : 640px, small-plus-screen : 768px, medium-screen : 960px, medium-plus-screen: 1024px, large-screen : 1280px, large-plus-screen : 1440px, extra-large-screen: 1600px, ultra-large-screen: 1920px ); // grids variables (choose unit you prefer) $gutter: 2rem !default; // gutter value for grid layouts. Unit can be: %, px, em, rem $number: 4 !default; // number of equal columns $left: 2 !default; // left side of uneven columns $right: 1 !default; // right side of uneven columns //kna-namespace (default : null) $kna-namespace: null !default;