/* ----------------------------- */ /* ==Misc (skip links, hyphens) */ /* ----------------------------- */ /* styling skip links */ .{$kna-namespace}skip-links position absolute & a position absolute overflow hidden clip rect(1px, 1px, 1px, 1px) padding 0.5em background black color white text-decoration none &:focus position static overflow visible clip auto // hyphens on tiny screens @media (max-width: $tiny) /* you shall not pass */ div textarea table td th code pre samp word-wrap break-word hyphens auto // use .no-wrapping to disallow hyphens on tiny screens @media (max-width: $tiny) .no-wrapping word-wrap normal hyphens manual // SVG width IE fix @media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) img[src$=".svg"] width 100%