// ---------------- // Config Sass et variables // ---------------- // ---------------- // Valeurs de Breakpoints // ---------------- // Hypothèse : smartphone portrait/paysage < 576px < gros smartphone paysage + tablette portrait < 992px < tablette paysage < 1330px < laptop et plus $breakpoints: ( sm: 576px, md: 992px, lg: 1330px, ) !default; $small: map-get($breakpoints, sm) !default; $medium: map-get($breakpoints, md) !default; $large: map-get($breakpoints, lg) !default; // ---------------- // Spacers // ---------------- $spacers: ( "0": 0, // none "2": 0.125rem, // tiny "5": 0.313rem, // tiny-plus "8": 0.5rem, // small "10": 0.625rem, // small-plus "16": 1rem, // medium "20": 1.25rem, // medium-plus "24": 1.5rem, // large "36": 2.25rem, // large-plus "auto": auto, ) !default; $spacer-none: map-get($spacers, "0") !default; $spacer-tiny: map-get($spacers, "2") !default; $spacer-tiny-plus: map-get($spacers, "5") !default; $spacer-small: map-get($spacers, "8") !default; $spacer-small-plus: map-get($spacers, "10") !default; $spacer-medium: map-get($spacers, "16") !default; $spacer-medium-plus: map-get($spacers, "20") !default; $spacer-large: map-get($spacers, "24") !default; $spacer-large-plus: map-get($spacers, "36") !default; // ---------------- // Grid layout // ---------------- $grid-columns: 6 !default; $gaps: ( "0": 0, "5": 0.313rem, "10": 0.625rem, "16": 1rem, "20": 1.25rem, "36": 2.25rem, ) !default; // ---------------- // Fonts // ---------------- // Font families $font-family-base: system-ui, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; $font-family-headings: sans-serif; $font-family-monospace: consolas, courier, monospace; $line-height-base: 1.5; // Font sizes $font-size: ( "10": 0.625rem, "11": 0.6875rem, "12": 0.75rem, "14": 0.875rem, "16": 1rem, "18": 1.125rem, "20": 1.25rem, "24": 1.5rem, "30": 1.875rem, "36": 2.25rem, "base": 1rem, "inherit": inherit, ); $font-size-html: 100%; $font-size-base: 1rem; // Font weights $weight-light: 200; $weight-book: 300; $weight-regular: 400; $weight-medium: 500; $weight-bold: 700; // ---------------- // Couleurs // ---------------- // Palette de couleur (à ne pas utiliser en variables sauf $white and $black) $white: #ffffff; $black: #000000; $color-gray-1: #f7fafc; $color-gray-2: #abc3c2; $color-gray-3: #454d5d; $color-gray-4: #212529; $color-blue-1: #0275d8; $color-blue-2: #04527b; $color-blue-3: #033651; // Palette non agnostic (à utiliser en variables) $color-alpha: $color-gray-1; // couleurs fréquentes $color-beta: $color-gray-3; $color-gamma: $color-gray-4; $color-delta: $color-blue-1; $color-epsilon: $color-blue-2; $color-gradient-alpha: linear-gradient( to left bottom, $color-alpha, $color-beta ); $color-alternate-1: #5cb85c; // couleurs moins fréquentes $color-alternate-1b: #4d9c4d; $color-alternate-2: #5bc0de; $color-alternate-2b: #4fa8c4; $color-alternate-3: #f0ad4e; $color-alternate-3b: #d19644; $color-alternate-4: #d9534f; $color-alternate-4b: #be4945; // Links $link-decoration: underline; $link-decoration-hover: underline; // Border radius $radius-none: 0; $radius-small: 0.5rem; $radius-medium: 1rem; $radius-large: 2rem; $radius-circle: 50%; // ---------------- // Liste des propriétés utilitaires (note display: grid se trouve dans Grillade) // ---------------- $utils: ( (hidden, display, none), (block, display, block), (inline, display, inline), (inline-block, display, inline-block), (flex, display, flex), (flex-row, flex-direction, row), (flex-col, flex-direction, column), (flex-wrap, flex-wrap, wrap), (flex-no-wrap, flex-wrap, nowrap), (flex-shrink, flex-shrink, 1), (flex-no-shrink, flex-shrink, 0), (flex-grow, flex-grow, 1), (flex-no-grow, flex-grow, 0), (float-left, float, left), (float-right, float, right), (float-none, float, none), (text-bold, font-weight, bold), (text-italic, font-style, italic), (text-uppercase, text-transform, uppercase), (text-lowercase, text-transform, lowercase), (text-smaller, font-size, smaller), (text-bigger, font-size, bigger), (text-left, text-align, left), (text-center, text-align, center), (text-right, text-align, right), (text-justify, text-align, justify), (text-wrap, overflow-wrap, break-word), (justify-start, justify-content, flex-start), (justify-end, justify-content, flex-end), (justify-center, justify-content, center), (justify-between, justify-content, space-between), (justify-around, justify-content, space-around), (justify-evenly, justify-content, space-evenly), (justify-items-start, justify-items, start), (justify-items-end, justify-items, end), (justify-items-center, justify-items, center), (align-start, align-content, start), (align-end, align-content, end), (align-center, align-content, center), (align-between, align-content, space-between), (align-around, align-content, space-around), (align-evenly, align-content, space-evenly), (align-items-start, align-items, flex-start), (align-items-end, align-items, flex-end), (align-items-center, align-items, center), (place-center, place-content, center), (justify-self-auto, justify-self, auto), (justify-self-start, justify-self, start), (justify-self-end, justify-self, end), (justify-self-center, justify-self, center), (justify-self-stretch, justify-self, stretch), (align-self-auto, align-self, auto), (align-self-start, align-self, flex-start), (align-self-end, align-self, flex-end), (align-self-center, align-self, center), (align-self-stretch, align-self, stretch), (align-top, vertical-align, top), (align-bottom, vertical-align, bottom), (align-middle, vertical-align, middle), (item-first, order, -100), (item-last, order, 100) ) !default;