2017-10-18 08:24:39 +02:00

158 lines
4.9 KiB

// Config file and project variables
// breakpoints values
// warning: you should use your own values, regardless of the devices
// best practise is Mobile First: (min-width: $breakpoint)
$tiny : 480px !default; // or 'em' if you prefer, of course
$small : 576px !default;
$medium : 768px !default;
$large : 992px !default;
$extra-large : 1200px !default;
// font sizes
$font-size-base : 1.6rem !default; // 1.6rem value is "16px" equivalent
$h1-size : 3.2rem !default;
$h2-size : 2.8rem !default;
$h3-size : 2.4rem !default;
$h4-size : 2.0rem !default;
$h5-size : 1.8rem !default;
$h6-size : 1.6rem !default;
// font families
$font-family-base : -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Oxygen-Sans, Ubuntu, Cantarell, "Helvetica Neue", sans-serif; // system font stack
$font-family-headings : sans-serif; // font for h1, h2.. h6
$font-family-monospace : consolas, courier, monospace; // font for code and samples
// line heights
$line-height-s : 1.3 !default;
$line-height-base : 1.5 !default;
$line-height-l : 1.7 !default;
// font weights
$weight-light : 200 !default;
$weight-book : 300 !default;
$weight-regular : 400 !default;
$weight-medium : 500 !default;
$weight-bold : 700 !default;
// grid gutters (for .has-gutter-* classes)
$grid-gutters: ( '': 1rem, '-l': 2rem, '-xl': 4rem ) !default;
// global border-radius
$border-radius: 0 !default;
// spacings (choose unit you prefer)
$tiny-value : .5rem !default;
$tiny-plus-value : .7rem !default;
$small-value : 1rem !default;
$small-plus-value : 1.5rem !default;
$medium-value : 2rem !default;
$medium-plus-value : 3rem !default;
$large-value : 4rem !default;
$large-plus-value : 6rem !default;
$extra-large-value : 8rem !default;
$extra-large-plus-value : 12rem !default;
$ultra-large-value : 16rem !default;
$ultra-large-plus-value : 20rem !default;
// z-indexes
$zindex-navigation: 1000 !default;
$zindex-dropdown: 2000 !default;
$zindex-popover: 3000 !default;
$zindex-tooltip: 4000 !default;
$zindex-modal: 5000 !default;
$zindex-notification: 6000 !default;
$zindex-debug: 7000 !default;
// color names
$white : #fff !default;
$gray-100 : #f8f9fa !default;
$gray-200 : #e7e9ed !default;
$gray-300 : #dee2e6 !default;
$gray-400 : #ced4da !default;
$gray-500 : #acb3c2 !default;
$gray-600 : #727e96 !default;
$gray-700 : #454d5d !default;
$gray-800 : #333 !default;
$gray-900 : #212529 !default;
$black : #000 !default;
$blue-300 : #5BC0DE !default;
$blue-500 : #0275D8 !default;
$green-500 : #5CB85C !default;
$orange-500 : #F0AD4E !default;
$red-500 : #D9534F !default;
// semantic color scheme
$color-brand : $green-500;
$color-primary : $blue-500;
$color-success : $green-500;
$color-info : $blue-300;
$color-warning : $orange-500;
$color-danger : $red-500;
$color-inverse : $gray-800;
$color-ghost : transparent;
$color-muted : $gray-200;
$color-base : $gray-900;
$background-base : $white;
$link-color : $gray-800;
$link-color-hover : darken($link-color, 15%);
$link-decoration : none;
$link-decoration-hover : underline;
$forms-color : $gray-800;
// component: quotes
$quote-color : $gray-200;
// component: arrows
$arrow-color : $black;
// component: checkboxes, radios, switches
$checkbox-color : $gray-800;
$checkbox-size : 2rem;
$checkbox-border-radius : 4px;
$switch-color : $gray-800;
$switch-size : 2rem;
$switch-border-radius : 3em;
// component: tables
$table-border : $gray-500;
$table-caption-color : $gray-800;
$table-background : transparent;
$table-head-color : $color-base;
$table-head-background : transparent;
$table-footer-color : $color-base;
$table-footer-background : transparent;
// component: buttons, badges, alerts color variants list
// name - background-color - color - border
$variants-list: (
(primary, $color-primary, $white, none),
(success, $color-success, $white, none),
(info, $color-info, $white, none),
(warning, $color-warning, $white, none),
(danger, $color-danger, $white, none),
(inverse, $color-inverse, $white, none),
(ghost, $color-ghost, $white, 0 0 0 1px $white inset)
// component: tabs
$tabs-border : $gray-200;
$tabs-active-border : $gray-800;
$tabs-color : $color-base;
$tabs-active-color : $gray-800;
$tabs-background : transparent;
$tabs-active-background : transparent;
$tabs-border-radius : 0;
// component: nav burger button
$burger-color : $gray-800;
$burger-background : transparent;
$burger-hover-background : transparent;
$burger-size : 2.6rem;
$burger-weight : 5px; // size of stripes
$burger-padding : 0;