U-Boot will enable Auto Power-On and a [systemd-shutdown](https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd-shutdown.html) hook script to disable the Auto Power-On during graceful shutdown.
By default the system needs the user to press power button to power up. This behavior can be changed by manipulating a set of GPIOs.
The circuitry uses [D Flip Flop](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flip-flop_(electronics)#D_flip-flop) and relies on RTC battery or UPS battery to keep the state.
*AUTO_ON_EN_D* pin and *AUTO_ON_EN_CLK* pin is assigned to gpio **153** and gpio **154** respectively.
After exporting and configure the GPIOs as output (refer to [GPIO Control](/helios64/gpio/#gpio-control)), we will do bit-banging to configure the D Flip Flop.