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2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
!!! warning
Always POWER OFF the system before plug/unplug the fan. Failed to do so could damage the controlling GPIO due to power surge.
## PWM Introduction
PWM, or pulse width modulation is a technique which allows us to adjust the average value of the voltage thats going to the electronic device by varying duty cycle of the power at a fast rate.
The term *duty cycle* describes the proportion of 'on' time to the regular interval or 'period' of time; a low duty cycle corresponds to low power, because the power is off for most of the time. Duty cycle is expressed in percent, 100% being fully on. When a digital signal is on half of the time and off the other half of the time, the digital signal has a duty cycle of 50% and resembles a "square" wave. When a digital signal spends more time in the on state than the off state, it has a duty cycle of >50%. When a digital signal spends more time in the off state than the on state, it has a duty cycle of <50%. Here is a pictorial that illustrates these three scenarios:
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![PWM duty cycle](/img/pwm/pwm_duty_cycle_graph.png)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
## PWM Fan Implementation
### Type A
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![Type A Curve](/img/pwm/fan_type_a_curve.jpg)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
### Type B
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![Type B Curve](/img/pwm/fan_type_b_curve.jpg)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
### Type C
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![Type C Curve](/img/pwm/fan_type_c_curve.jpg)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
## Helios4 Fan Control Schematic
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![Helios4 Fan control](/img/pwm/fan_control_schematic.png)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
| Description | Connector J10 | J17 | Remarks |
| PWM pin | gpio41 | gpio55 | 3.3V pull up fan **ONLY**! Early generation of 4-wire pwm fan may use 5V pull-up |
| SENSE pin | gpio43 | gpio48 | SENSE pin is not used yet |
| PWM Frequency | 25 kHz | 25 kHz | defined in device tree |
## Bundled Fan
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![Fan Connector](/img/pwm/fan_connector.png)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
Connector Pinout
| Pin | Function | Wire Color |
| 1 | GND | Black |
| 2 | 12V | Red |
| 3 | Sense | Yellow |
| 4 | Control | Blue |
### Old Fan (Batch 1)
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![Old Fan](/img/pwm/fan_old_photo.jpg)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
Fan Specification
| Parameter | Value | Unit | Remarks |
| Maximum Speed | 4200 | RPM | @ duty cycle 98% |
| Minimum Speed | 1200 | RPM | @ duty cycle 24% |
| Shut off | No | | Not Supported |
| Implementation Type | A | | |
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![Old Fan Speed Graph](/img/pwm/fan_speed_graph_old_fan.png)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
!!! info
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
Duty cycle data is converted from Linux PWM
### New Fan (Batch 2)
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![New Fan](/img/pwm/fan_new_photo.jpg)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
Fan Specification
| Parameter | Value | Unit | Remarks |
| Maximum Speed | 4200 | RPM | @ duty cycle 98% |
| Minimum Speed | 400 | RPM | @ duty cycle 10% |
| Shut off | Yes | | duty cycle <= 5.5% and restart @ duty cycle > 9% |
| Implementation Type | C | | |
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![New Fan Speed Graph](/img/pwm/fan_speed_graph_new_fan.png)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
!!! info
Duty cycle data is converted from Linux PWM
### Fan Speed Comparison
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![Fan Speed Graph](/img/pwm/fan_speed_comparison.png)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
## Helios4 Temperature Sensors
### CPU Thermal Sensor
Armada 388 incorporates a Thermal Management engine for monitoring die temperature. It includes an on-die analog-to-digital thermal sensor, that is used to determine when the maximum specified processor junction temperature has been reached.
### Ethernet PHY Thermal Sensor
Helios4's **10/100/1000 BASE-T PHY Tranceiver** ([Marvell 88E1512 Datasheet](http://www.marvell.com/documents/eoxwrbluvwybgxvagkkf/)) features an internal temperature sensor. The sensor reports the die temperature and is updated approximately once per second.
### Board Temp Sensor
Helios4 has a **Digital Temperature Sensor with 2wire Interface** ([NCT75 Datasheet](https://www.onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/NCT75-D.PDF)), located on bottom side of the board. It is used to read ambient temperature.
## PWM Fan Control under Linux
Linux use 8-bit integer to represent duty cycle. PWM value 0 represent 0% duty cycle and PWM value 255 represent 100% duty cycle.
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![Duty Cycle Formula](/img/pwm/fan_duty_cycle_formula.png)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
Below graphs are bundled fan speed vs pwm value instead of duty cycle.
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![Old Fan Speed Graph](/img/pwm/fan_speed_graph_old_fan_linux.png)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
![New Fan Speed Graph](/img/pwm/fan_speed_graph_new_fan_linux.png)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
### Patch requirement
Currently Linux gpio-mvebu driver does not allow more than 1 PWM under the same gpio bank. Helios4 uses 2 PWM under same bank therefore [this patch](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armbian/build/master/patch/kernel/mvebu-next/92-mvebu-gpio-remove-hardcoded-timer-assignment.patch) needs to be applied to kernel source to remove the restriction.
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
### Using SYSFS interface
Linux export the fan control mechanism to SYSFS under hwmon class.
List of devices can be checked under /sys/class/hwmon
ls -l /sys/class/hwmon/
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Nov 7 07:23 hwmon0 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/soc:internal-regs/f1072004.mdio/mdio_bus/f1072004.mdio-mii/f1072004.mdio-mii:00/hwmon/hwmon0
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Nov 7 07:23 hwmon1 -> ../../devices/virtual/hwmon/hwmon1
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Nov 7 07:23 hwmon2 -> ../../devices/platform/j10-pwm/hwmon/hwmon2
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Nov 7 07:23 hwmon3 -> ../../devices/platform/j17-pwm/hwmon/hwmon3
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 Nov 7 07:23 hwmon4 -> ../../devices/platform/soc/soc:internal-regs/f1011000.i2c/i2c-0/0-004c/hwmon/hwmon4
!!! info
2018-11-16 05:11:49 +01:00
The numbering may different from above example output. It depends on whether the driver built as kernel module or built-in, device initialization order. Take this as consideration when using [fancontrol](#fancontrol-automated-software-based-fan-speed-control)
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
To identify which hwmon belong to fan, look for *j10-pwm* and *j17-pwm*. On above example
hwmon2 -> ../../devices/platform/j10-pwm/hwmon/hwmon2
hwmon3 -> ../../devices/platform/j17-pwm/hwmon/hwmon3
To read current PWM
cat /sys/class/hwmon2/pwm1
cat /sys/class/hwmon3/pwm1
To set PWM
echo NEW_PWM_VALUE > /sys/class/hwmon2/pwm1
echo NEW_PWM_VALUE > /sys/class/hwmon3/pwm1
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
### Fancontrol - automated software based fan speed control
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
fancontrol is a shell script for use with lm_sensors. It reads its configuration from a file, then calculates fan speeds from temperatures and sets the corresponding PWM outputs to the computed values.
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
sudo apt-get install fancontrol
fancontrol includes *pwmconfig* script to create automatically a configuration file but it can not be used for Helios4.
#### UDEV rules
Since hwmon order can be changed between kernel version or even between reboot, on Armbian we use udev rules as workaround. The rules can be found from [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armbian/build/master/packages/bsp/helios4/90-helios4-hwmon.rules) and to be copy to **/etc/udev/rules.d/**
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
#### Configuration File
fancontrol uses **/etc/fancontrol** as configuration file. Below is an example configuration to control fan speed on Helios4.
# Helios4 PWM Fan Control Configuration
# Temp source : armada_thermal sensor
DEVPATH=hwmon2=devices/platform/j10-pwm hwmon3=devices/platform/j17-pwm hwmon4=devices/platform/soc/soc:internal-regs/f1011000.i2c/i2c-0/0-004c
FCTEMPS=hwmon2/pwm1=hwmon1/temp1_input hwmon3/pwm1=hwmon1/temp1_input
MINTEMP=hwmon2/pwm1=70 hwmon3/pwm1=70
MAXTEMP=hwmon2/pwm1=90 hwmon3/pwm1=90
MINSTART=hwmon2/pwm1=20 hwmon3/pwm1=20
MINSTOP=hwmon2/pwm1=29 hwmon3/pwm1=29
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
This variable defines at which interval in seconds the main loop of fancontrol will be executed.
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
Maps hwmon class devices to physical devices. This lets fancontrol check that the configuration file is still up-to-date.
It expect the **hwmonN** as symlink to **devices/***
Records hwmon class device names. This lets fancontrol check that the configuration file is still up-to-date.
Since **armada_thermal** does not create symlink, use *DEVNAME* instead of *DEVPATH*
Maps PWM outputs to temperature sensors so fancontrol knows which temperature sensors should be used for calculation of new values for the corresponding PWM outputs.
Fans (**hwmon2** & **hwmon3**) are controlled based on CPU thermal sensor (**hwmon1**) reading.
Sets the minimum speed at which the fan begins spinning. You should use a safe value to be sure it works, even when the fan gets old.
New bundled fan restart at 15, added 5 for safety (in case of aging fan) give us **20**. The value does not affect old bundle fan.
The minimum speed at which the fan still spins. Use a safe value here, too.
New bundled fan stopped at 24, added 5 for safety (in case of aging fan) give us **29**. The value does not affect old bundle fan.
*Following settings can be adjusted by user to tweak further.*
The temperature below which the fan gets switched to minimum speed.
Fans (hwmon2 & hwmon3) runs in minimum speed if the CPU temperature below **70** degree C.
The temperature over which the fan gets switched to maximum speed.
Fans (hwmon2 & hwmon3) runs in maximum speed if the CPU temperature above **90** degree C.
The PWM value to use when the temperature is below MINTEMP. Typically, this will be either 0 if it is OK for the fan to plain stop, or the same value as MINSTOP if you don't want the fan to ever stop. If this value isn't defined, it defaults to 0 (stopped fan).
Set minimum PWM value to **0**. On new bundled fan, it would stopped the fan while on old bundled fan it would run in minimal speed.
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
!!! note
The Helios4 fancontrol configuration file can be found [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/armbian/build/master/packages/bsp/helios4/fancontrol_pwm-fan-mvebu-next.conf).
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
### Thermal Zone on Device Tree
2018-11-16 05:11:49 +01:00
As an alternative to userspace tool like [fancontrol](#fancontrol-automated-software-based-fan-speed-control), Linux Kernel provides Thermal Framework to do thermal management.
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
2018-11-14 07:35:03 +01:00
Below is an example of device tree nodes that can be added to Helios4 device tree to make use of Linux Thermal Framework.
!!! note
Currently *armada_thermal* driver ([CPU Thermal Sensor](#cpu-thermal-sensor)) does not support thermal-zone binding in device tree, therefore it can not be used as thermal-sensor yet.
2018-11-13 19:14:32 +01:00
/ {
fan1: j10-pwm {
compatible = "pwm-fan";
pwms = <&gpio1 9 40000>; /* Target freq:25 kHz */
cooling-min-state = <0>;
cooling-max-state = <3>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
cooling-levels = <0 25 128 255>;
fan2: j17-pwm {
compatible = "pwm-fan";
pwms = <&gpio1 23 40000>; /* Target freq:25 kHz */
cooling-min-state = <0>;
cooling-max-state = <3>;
#cooling-cells = <2>;
cooling-levels = <0 25 128 255>;
thermal-zones {
microsom_thermal: microsom-thermal {
thermal-sensors = <&thermal>;
polling-delay-passive = <250>; /* milliseconds */
polling-delay = <500>; /* milliseconds */
trips {
cpu_active: cpu_active {
/* millicelsius */
temperature = <70000>;
hysteresis = <2000>;
type = "active";
cpu_alert: cpu_alert {
/* millicelsius */
temperature = <90000>;
hysteresis = <2000>;
type = "hot";
cpu_crit: cpu-crit {
/* millicelsius */
temperature = <115000>;
hysteresis = <5000>;
type = "critical";
board_thermal: board-thermal {
thermal-sensors = <&temp_sensor>;
polling-delay-passive = <0>; /* milliseconds */
polling-delay = <1500>; /* milliseconds */
trips {
board_active: board-active {
/* millicelsius */
temperature = <40000>;
hysteresis = <2000>;
type = "active";
board_alert: board-alert {
/* millicelsius */
temperature = <60000>;
hysteresis = <2000>;
type = "hot";
board_critical: board-critical {
/* millicelsius */
temperature = <70000>;
hysteresis = <2000>;
type = "critical";
cooling-maps {
map0 {
trip = <&board_active>;
cooling-device = <&fan1 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT 2>,
map1 {
trip = <&board_alert>;
cooling-device = <&fan1 2 THERMAL_NO_LIMIT>,
&temp_sensor {
#thermal-sensor-cells = <0>;
## References
[Pulse-width modulation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pulse-width_modulation)
[4-Wire Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Controlled Fans Specification rev. 1.3](/files/fan/4_Wire_PWM_Spec.pdf)
[fancontrol man page](https://linux.die.net/man/8/fancontrol)
[Linux Thermal Framework Device Tree descriptor](https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/thermal/thermal.txt)