# Project information site_name: 'Kobol Wiki' site_description: 'Kobol Wiki' site_author: 'Kobol Team' site_url: 'https://wiki.kobol.io/' # Repository repo_name: 'Kobol GitHub Repo' repo_url: 'https://github.com/kobol-io' edit_uri: '' # Copyright copyright: 'Copyright © Kobol Innovations Pte. Ltd. 2020' # Documentation and theme theme: name: 'material' language: 'en' favicon: 'img/favicon.png' logo: 'img/kobol_logo.svg' icon: repo: 'fontawesome/brands/git-alt' custom_dir: 'theme' features: - tabs palette: primary: 'white' font: text: 'Roboto' code: 'Roboto Mono' extra_css: - css/extra.css # Options extra: social: - icon: 'fontawesome/solid/home' link: 'https://kobol.io' - icon: 'fontawesome/brands/github' link: 'https://github.com/kobol-io' - icon: 'fontawesome/brands/facebook' link: 'https://facebook.com/kobol.io' - icon: 'fontawesome/brands/twitter' link: 'https://twitter.com/kobol_io' - icon: 'fontawesome/solid/rss-square' link: 'https://blog.kobol.io' disqus: 'kobol-wiki' # Google Analytics google_analytics: - 'UA-96982596-2' - 'auto' # Plugins plugins: - search - git-revision-date-localized # Extensions markdown_extensions: - admonition - meta - codehilite: guess_lang: False - toc: permalink: True - pymdownx.tabbed - lightgallery # Page naming nav: - Home: 'index.md' - Helios64: - Introduction: 'helios64/intro.md' - Kit Assembly: 'helios64/kit.md' - Download: '/download/#helios64' - Install: - Preliminary : 'helios64/install/preliminary.md' - eMMC Install : 'helios64/install/emmc.md' - SDcard Install : 'helios64/install/sdcard.md' - First Start : 'helios64/install/first-start.md' - Transfer Installed OS: 'helios64/install/transfer.md' - ZFS on HDD: 'helios64/install/zfs.md' - Docker with ZFS: 'helios64/install/docker-zfs.md' - LXD with ZFS: 'helios64/install/lxd-zfs.md' - Recovery : - Recovery Mode: '/helios64/button/#recovery-button' - Maskrom Mode: 'helios64/maskrom.md' - Hardware: - Overview: 'helios64/hardware.md' - Button: 'helios64/button.md' - Ethernet: 'helios64/ethernet.md' - Front Panel: 'helios64/front-panel.md' - GPIO: 'helios64/gpio.md' - I2C: 'helios64/i2c.md' - Jumper: 'helios64/jumper.md' - LED: 'helios64/led.md' - M.2: 'helios64/m2.md' - Power Management: - PMIC: 'helios64/pmic.md' - Auto Power-On: 'helios64/auto_poweron.md' - UPS Battery: 'helios64/ups.md' - PWM Fan: 'helios64/pwm.md' - RTC: 'helios64/rtc.md' - SATA: 'helios64/sata.md' - SPI: 'helios64/spi.md' - UEXT: 'helios64/uext.md' - USB: 'helios64/usb.md' - Documents: 'helios64/docs.md' - Troubleshooting: 'helios64/troubleshoot.md' - Helios4: - Introduction: 'helios4/intro.md' - Kit Assembly: 'helios4/kit.md' - Download: '/download/#helios4' - Install: 'helios4/install.md' - O/S: - Arch Linux: 'helios4/arch.md' - Armbian: 'helios4/armbian.md' - FreeBSD: 'helios4/freebsd.md' - Syncloud: 'helios4/syncloud.md' - U-Boot (bootloader): 'helios4/uboot.md' - Software: - Mdadm (RAID): 'helios4/mdadm.md' - NextCloud: 'helios4/nextcloud.md' - OpenMediaVault: 'helios4/omv.md' - Hardware: - Overview: 'helios4/hardware.md' - CESA (HW Crypto): 'helios4/cesa.md' - GPIO: 'helios4/gpio.md' - I2C (OLED): 'helios4/i2c.md' - LED: 'helios4/led.md' - PWM (Fan): 'helios4/pwm.md' - SDIO (SD Card): 'helios4/sdcard.md' - SPI (NOR Flash): 'helios4/spi.md' - Wake-on-LAN: 'helios4/wol.md' - Documents: 'helios4/docs.md' - Forum: - Kobol Club: 'https://forum.armbian.com/clubs/5-kobol-forum/' - Download: 'download.md' - About: 'about.md'