!!! info Wiki edition in progress This is a basic guide to help you setting up Helios4 NAS with [OpenMediaVault](https://www.openmediavault.org/) (**OMV**). OMV offers a large collection of features that we don't cover here. We invite you to look online for the existing OMV guides or go on the [OMV forum](https://forum.openmediavault.org/). ## Connect to OpenMediaVault (OMV) Control Panel Open your web browser and go to the one of the following addresses : * http://helios4.local
* http://*xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx* ([How to check Helios4 IP address](/install/#step-6-checkset-ip-address)) **Default credential :** * Username: admin * Password: openmediavault ![OMV Login](/img/omv/login.png) *Login Screen* ![OMV Dashboard](/img/omv/dashboard.png) *Dashboard View* ## Wipe Disk (Optional) If you are using HDD which aren't blank or brand new you might need to wipe them first before being able to setup an RAID array. > Go to **Physical Disks** menu. > Select an HDD and click **Wipe**. !!! note HDD should be device starting with **/dev/sdX** ![OMV HDD Wipe](/img/omv/disk-wipe1.png) > Choose **Quick** wipe method. ![OMV HDD Wipe](/img/omv/disk-wipe2.png) > Repeat this step for each HDD you want to use for your RAID array. ## Create a RAID array In this guide we chose to create a RAID10 for the following reasons : - A - B - C You can choose to go for RAID5 or RAID6 but take in consideration that the syncing will take up to 3 times the syncing time of RAID10. > Go to **Physical Disks** menu. > Click **Create**. > Select RAID level and the devices you want to be used for the RAID array. > Give it a name and press **Create**. ![OMV RAID 10](/img/omv/create-raid10.png) > You can see the ongoing re-syncing process and get a finish estimated time. ![OMV RAID Syncing](/img/omv/syncing-raid10.png) !!! important While you could carry on with some part of OMV configuration during the RAID re-syncing process, we strongly advice to let this process complete first. You should see the following in the RAID state once re-syncing is complete : **active**. ![OMV RAID Clean](/img/omv/raid10-active.png) !!! info Whenever you change some settings in OMV, the following banner will appear. You can immediately apply the configuration by clicking **Apply** or you can carry on with your configuration and apply the changes at a later stage. ![OMV Save Settings](/img/omv/save_settings.png) ## Create a LVM Logical Volume *First you need to install OMV LVM Plugin.* ## Format and Mount Volume ## Create User ## Create Shared Folder ## Configure Windows Share (SMB/CIFS)