samorodkin 9518a5aef1
ZFS build instructions for Buster (#38)
Co-authored-by: Gauthier Provost <gauthier@kobol.io>
2021-02-26 14:55:40 +08:00

1.3 KiB

!!! important This install procedure only works on Armbian Buster

!!! note Tested with Linux helios64 5.10.16-rockchip64 / Armbian 21.02.2

This page describes a method to easily build ZFS on your system in case the DKMS install method described here fails.

Step 1 - Install Docker

You can easily install docker by using armbian-config tool.

armbian-config -> software -> softy -> docker

Step 2 - Create Dockerfile

Create dedicated directory with the required Dockerfile

mkdir zfs-builder
cd zfs-builder
wget https://wiki.kobol.io/helios64/files/zfs/Dockerfile

Build docker image for ZFS building purpose.

sudo docker build --tag zfs-build-ubuntu-bionic:0.1 .

Step 3 - Build and install ZFS packages.

wget https://wiki.kobol.io/helios64/files/zfs/install-zfs.sh
chmod +x install-zfs.sh

On succeed, you may need to reboot and enable services:

sudo reboot
sudo systemctl enable zfs-import-cache  zsf-import.target  zfs-mount  zfs.target  zfs-zed

Page contributed by samorodkin

Reference Armbian Forum Dicussion